Friday, 6 December 2019

Christmas Opening Hours

Hello lovely customers! Our Christmas opening hours have been announced, and I hurried straight here to tell you.

Our hours are as normal up to and including Thursday the 19th. On Friday the 20th, we'll open 8.30am to 8pm. Saturday is as normal, 9 to 6. Sunday, 10 to 6. On Monday, it's 8.30 to 8 again! And Tuesday, 24th, 8.30 to 4.30.
We're closed Christmas Day and St Stephen's Day and reopen on Friday, 27th, 10 to 6. Hours are normal after that, bar our closing on Wednesday Jan 1st.

So, once more for clarity's sake:

  1. Friday 20th: 8.30 to 8
  2. Saturday 21st: 9 to 6
  3. Sunday 22nd: 10 to 6
  4. Monday 23rd: 8.30 to 8
  5. Tuesday 24th: 8.30 to 4.30
  6. Wednesday 25th: Closed
  7. Thursday 26th: Closed
  8. Friday 27th: 10 to 6
  9. Wednesday 1st: Closed

We hope to see you all during this fun season!