Saturday, 14 August 2010

Review: The Chosen One, by Carol Lynch Williams

One of the reviews on Amazon said that this book is unlikely to do very well in the UK or Ireland, as we don't have the same connection to religious cults as the USA. I disagree; we may not have the same background, but the story is just as gripping.

Thirteen year old Kyra has grown up in a polygamous cult called The Chosen Ones. When she was younger life wasn't so bad. But when the Prophet died his son took his place and things have gotten very bad. Only Kyra's two secrets — the books she sneaks out of the local bookmobile, and the boy she meets when no one is watching — make her life bearable. But then the Prophet ordains that she must marry her uncle, a man fifty years her elder. Kyra's desperate search for freedom will mean endangering everyone she cares about and leaving everything she's ever known...

It's not a long book, just over 200 pages, but it's fast paced and gripping. This is a book you'll read in one sitting and find yourself thinking about for weeks afterwards.

When I look at Laura, she's crying. "Don't go," she says, but she kisses me goodbye. Again and again.

"I love you," she says.

"I love you, too," I say.

She stands on the porch and watches me go.

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