Saturday, 29 September 2018

Review: Magical Myths and Legends

Magical Myths and Legends Magical Myths and Legends by Michael Morpurgo
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A beautiful collection of famous myths and legends. Each story is retold and illustrated by different people, so there's a wide variety of styles on offer. Children are sure to find something to enjoy in this collection.

I've taken a star off for two reasons; apart from one story these are all European in origin. How lovely to have a collection like this be truly international? And my other reason; John Dougherty, retelling the Irish story, used the English version of Finn MacCool rather than the proper Irish.

Those are relatively petty problems, though, and this is a fabulous book that should be under many trees this Christmas.

Robin was running, running, running for his life. Behind him a gang of burly men shouted. Robin glanced back. The soldiers were getting closer! They were going to catch him.
But robin was a quick thinker. He saw a clump of bushes and quick as a wink he leapt into it. He lay safely hidden in the leafy damp as the soldiers pounded by.
Robin lay as still as a stone, breathing as quietly as he could. 'Safe at last!' he thought.
It was then he saw that the leaves and bushes all around him were moving...they were moving towards him!

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Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Review: Impostors

Impostors Impostors by Scott Westerfeld
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A fantastic read. I've read Uglies, but not in quite a long time, and I still was able to follow this perfectly. I'm very eager to know what happens next! I'll have to watch out for the next one, hopefully not too long from now.

Receiving an ARC did not affect my review in any way.

He takes my right hand. Something electric goes through those knitted bones. "Don't apologize, Rafi. And don't worry. I'll make sure Jefa keeps her promise."
He touches his lips to my hand. Just for a moment.
"J'en mettrais ma main au feu," he says.
I'm staring at my hand, at his lips.
The cyrano translates in my ear -
I put my hand in the fire.
What do they mean, those words? That kiss? Is this how they seal promises in Victoria? Or is it the start of something else?
I don't know anything about kissing.
His dark eyes lock with mine. No one looks at me this intently, except Naya, when she's sizing up my weaknesses. I feel measured, scanned, defenceless.
Then Col lets go and turns towards the hallway.
"We should get back to the party," he says.
I nod dumbly. Suddenly that swirl of music, fire, and projectiles seems safer than being alone with him.

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Thursday, 6 September 2018

Review: And the Ocean Was Our Sky

And the Ocean Was Our Sky And the Ocean Was Our Sky by Patrick Ness
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is up there with A Monster Calls as Patrick's finest work. This is amazing, a fantastic re imagining of Moby Dick from the whale's point of view, with real thought put into how the whale society functions. Absolutely amazing. I'll be looking forward to seeing the real illustrations, but even the samples here add immeasurably to the story. Just fantastic.

Update: I've now seen the finished work, and it's amazing. Dream like pictures in just enough detail; most are in black and white, so the occasional flash of colour really pops and stands out. Buy this for the illustrations, even if you don't like the story.

Receiving an ARC did not affect my review in any way.

"I do not wish to kill you," I said, surprising myself by saying it out loud, though quietly, for only Demetrius to hear.
"That much is obvious," he said, though not happily. "You have let me live far beyond kindness out of your own fear." He dropped his head. "But you
will kill me. Before the end. And nothing between whale and man will ever change."
I breathed from the bubble in my throat. There was no further delay I could make. He said he did not know what the upside-down ship meant, so he was right:
I would kill him.
And that would be the end. So many ends.

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Sunday, 2 September 2018

Review: Ogre Enchanted

Ogre Enchanted Ogre Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I never thought thought I'd be back in the world of Frell, but here it is, and it's every bit as magic as it was in Ella. Evie is just as fascinating a character, Lucinda still as annoying, and I loved slowly figuring out the connections between this story and Ella - although this one stands completely alone, so you can read it without knowing anything about Ella. A fantastic read, and I hope to return to Frell again another time.

Receiving an ARC did not affect my review in any way.

I wouldn't endanger anyone else in this quest. I'd go alone. If I succeeded, I'd be welcome anywhere, at least for a while, even as an ogre. I could live at home again and wouldn't have to eternally miss Mother and Wormy.

When I rejoined humanity, I might save someone whose gratitude would progress to love. Then, if I could set aside the memory of Master Peter, I might return the feeling, because saving someone's life was almost as good as drinking a love potion.

Yes! I would go to the dragons' Spires. If I died trying to get purpline, my end would sadden only two people, neither of them myself.

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