Sunday 8 July 2018

Review: The Last

The Last The Last by Hanna Jameson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A good, but not fantastic, entry into the post-apocalyptic genre. I liked the characters, at least the ones that didn't meld into a faceless blob of 'others', but nothing much seemed to happen. They stayed at the hotel for a while, there were fights, they met some other people, they met some other other people, then it ended. It wasn't bad at all; the POV character is a history professor and his musings and asides are really interesting. However, the ending doesn't answer most of the questions, and even though I saw it coming I still didn't like it much.

Worth reading, but not amazingly fantastic.

The end of the world is a fairly comforting concept, because - in theory - we wouldn't have to survive it. Maybe what's been f***ing us up, more than anything, hasn't been finding a way to cope with the world ending but finding a way to cope with the fact that it didn't.

An ending is easy. This terminal waking up, morning after morning, isn't easy. Repairing and rebuilding isn't easy either. I think that's why I've been so angry, so desperate to believe Arran's paranoid theory about purgatory, why I wanted to believe that the girl in the water tank had died for a more important reason than men's continued violence.

Instead of a conclusion, we've been offered nothing but more life.

I don't know how to come to terms with that.

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