Tuesday 12 June 2018

Review: Slave Day

Slave Day Slave Day by Rob Thomas
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Slave Day was interesting, but it could have been so much better. Each 'chapter' is only a couple of pages long, and they move between eight different characters, so it's hard to connect to any of them. I couldn't pick out a 'plot', as such; it's just a bunch of stuff that happens on this one particular day. Maybe I missed something; I'd be glad to learn I did.

Because this should have been a brilliant book. It tackles real issues, issues that are very important now, and some of the characters are much better than others...Jen and Brendan spring to mind. As it is, though, it's only so so, and that's a real shame.

Receiving an ARC did not affect my review in any way.

"I AM ROBERT E LEE, and you've named your school after me."
A couple of the same brothas who told me to speak up start booing. Boys better be booin' the speech and not the speaker. Some people got no sense of humour.
Stump Milton yells "Somebody shut him up."
Right, Stump. You tell fag jokes all day, last period Dr Pepper was spewin' out your nose when you were watchin' me pick up cotton balls, but
this pisses you off. I look down at the next lind of the speech. Ain't no way I'm reading this. The warning bell rings, keeping me from havin' to flat out refuse.
I am Robert E Lee, and if you were a slave, I slept with your mothers, daughters, sisters, and wives. You named your school after me.
I wonder if that's true.

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